Shamah Kindergaten Daycare Kawanda 0752416438/0782700703


This week we visited Shamah Daycare and Kindergaten Kawanda. We spoke to the head teacher is Mr.Tukamubona Seith. We found that the school has a highly qualified staff of teachers, cooks and care givers for the nursery. The charges are so much affordable.

Shamah Kindergaten Daycare was established three years ago by Mrs Gladys Kagoro. It is an educational service that has Baby Class (3-4 years), Middle Class (4-5 years) and Top Class (5-6 years). It also has Primary 1 and other classes such as Primary 2 are beginning next year.

The Kindergaten has day care services for children under 6 months up to 2 years. They are fed, their hygiene is catered for and they are taught how to help themselves. In this case, they are taught how to use potties, toilets and pampers among other.

They help children how to learn how to quickly talk.They teach them how to socialize with other people.They have the facilities where children can rest or take naps from. Their security is of a high standard. They use professional guards from professional security groups so that the children’s safety is intact. There is much and high emphasis on discipline, and behavior of the children.

In the nursery services (3-6 years) they have curricula and co-curricula activities. They have socialization teaching, religious teaching of all sections and they are taken outside for swimming, music, dance and drama.

The school is unique because the environment is so conducive with no air/sound pollution. Security is very tight. There is enough space for the children to play from. The location is generally accessible.

The children do not pack anything from home as they find everything ready at school i.e. breakfast, lunch, juice and snacks in the evening.

There is ready transportation vehicles to pick and drop the children in time.

The school has two cars.


It is found in Nakyesanja Kawanda in Nansana Municipality of Wakiso District.

The phone numbers are 0752416438/0782700703