Marvels Academy Pre Primary and Primary School Kampala-0777802629/0758569992


Marvels Academy Pre Primary and Primary School is a modern early childhood school that gives a good blend of learning experiences to children who enroll. We visited the school and got a feel of what makes it a very good pace for any one’s child to start their education.  Our conversation with management went as follows:

Monday Times: Good afternoon Sir. We see the good work you are doing here. For someone who has never been to Marvels Academy, what would you say you do here?

Management of Marvels Academy: Thank you for visiting us. Basically we are a pre primary and primary school. This means that we take and give care and introduce learning to children who are not yet of school going age, to prepare them for the next step of primary, were we also offer educational services.

Monday Times: Okay. So what makes you different from other early childhood schools?

Management of Marvels Academy: We first of all integrate local and international curriculum. Besides giving the children an international experience, it helps children who may want to study outside the country later in their lives. They will not find the experiences difficult.

Besides this, our teachers are well trained and the environment for learning is conducive. We also insure each child with different kinds of insurance policies.

Monday Times: What are your working hours and days?

Management of Marvels Academy: We work from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm. But we are open to making appointments outside this time, if we have anyone who would like to inquire about our services or at least to enroll.

Monday Times: At the practical level, if I bring my child and he or she is slow at learning, how do you as a school address the situation?

Management of Marvels Academy: We tend to give such children extra lessons to make them cope up. Before we do that, we try to understand why they are like that in the first place. When we diagnose the problem then we can work out extra lessons.

Monday Times: So what is your physical location?

Management of Marvels Academy: We are located in Mpererewe on Tula Road.

Monday Times: And what are your phone numbers for business?

Management of Marvels Academy: Our numbers are 0777802629/0758569992.

Monday Times: Are you on Facebook? If yes what is your name on Facebook?

Management of Marvels Academy: We are Marvels Academy Pre School.

Monday Times: Any last word for a parent who may not have yet brought their child to Marvels Academy?

Management of Marvels Academy: Marvels Academy is the best place for a child. We have good hospitality, good environment and good feeding. A child is transformed when they come to Marvels Academy.
