Marburg breaks out in Uganda

Jane Aceng minister of health

Ministry of Health has confirmed an outbreak of the deadly Marburg virus disease in the eastern parts of the country on Thursday. In a press release dated October 19, 2017, the ministry states that a 50 year old female has succumed to Marburg in Kween district at Kapchorwa hospital shortly after being transferred to Kaproron Health center IV.

“Prior to her death, the deceased had nursed her 42yr old brother who died on September 25th, 2017 with similar symptoms,” the statement reads.

Jane Ruth Aceng, the Minister of Health says there is no confirmed treatment or vaccine available for Marburg but patients are given supportive treatment which supports the natural recovery process of the body.

“Ministry of health has deployed a rapid response team comprising of highly experienced epidemiologists, risk communication experts, ecological environment experts, laboratory specialists among others to Kween and Kapchorwa district to carry out investigations and control measure assessment” says Aceng.

The ministry has appealed to the general public to remain alert and observe precautions to control the spread of the Marburg virus by reporting any suspected patient, avoiding direct contact with body fluids of person, regular hand wash and use of gloves by health workers.

Marburg Disease is caused by the Marburg virus, a rare but severe type of viral hemorrhagic fever which affects both humans and non-human primates like monkeys and baboons. Some of the symptoms of Marburg include, headache, vomiting blood, joint and muscle pains, unexplained bleeding through the body openings like the nose,eyes,gums,ears and anus.